The Gracious, Merciful Lord
“Sri Ugra Narasimha of S.V. Temple, Mulky, is known across places far and near. His divinity is realised by innumerable devotees. He is Gracious. All those who take shelter in His Lotus feet attain their ambition without failure. He is the Great Protector who liberates his devotees from all miseries and sufferings of life. He loves all who love him and pray for His mercy. He is Merciful. He pardons all our sins of all kinds if we surrender to Him. If prayed with implicit faith He gives strength to face any problem in life. He blesses His devotees with everything to make life worthy and happy. Such a Great Lord Sri Narasimha adorns the throne of the sanctum-sanctorum of S.V. Temple, Mulky.”
– H H Srimad Sudhindra Thirtha Swamiji